Every great journey starts with a choice. Getting started in doTERRA with one of these enrollment kits is the best bang for your buck! You get an amazing collection of essential oils that meet your needs + free wholesale membership + personalized wellness consultation with yours truly…


Simple Solutions

The simplest way for everyone to enjoy the benefits of a few of doTERRA’s favorite essential oils, blends and personal care products.


Healthy Start

Transforming your mind, body, and home has never been easier with these top 10 oils + diffuser. With these oils, you can feel confident in having the tools necessary to take care of yourself + family’s every day needs.


Healthy Essentials

This kit is an amazing resource to have in your home. The oils provided equip you to support the immune, respiratory, gut, musculature, and emotional + mental health of those in your home.


Healthy Habits

Wellness is a combination of healthy habits + good lifestyle choices. This kit makes it just a little bit easier to do. Included are nutritional supplements and a core set of essential oils to promote immune + respiratory function, sleep + stress support, and gut health. These products are amazing tools to use on a daily basis to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Healthy Home

The perfect start for those wanting to make the switch to greener pastures. Included is a diffuser + top 10 oils, toothpaste, shampoo + conditioner, and Onguard-based cleaning supplies. Transitioning to non-toxic living is easy with this kit.


Natural Solutions

Ready to transform your entire home with safe, non-toxic products? Look no further, it’s all here! This kit has products for inside + outside your body, Onguard-based cleaning supplies, diffuser + top 10 oils and more.




Now we all sleep soundly.

“Before doTERRA, my boys (ages 2 & 4), were up six times a night. We were all tired! Now we use Serenity at bedtime and we all sleep soundly.

— Renee P.

This blend has seriously kept us cough free...

“Lemon, Breathe and Copaiba have changed our lives forever! This blend has seriously kept us cough free during the season changes.”

— Allison F.

I still can’t believe how well it worked!

“Oregano alleviated a cyst on my foot that had made it painful to walk. My only other option was surgery. After several days of topical application, the cyst was gone and I was pain free. I still can’t believe how well it worked!”

— Jeremy L.